Available plugins and configuration

This page lists the available plugins. Note that to enable a plugin, your bot app should include an enabled = true entry in the pyproject.toml file under the section for the specific plugin.

CircleCI Artifacts

The CircleCI service provides the option of storing build artifacts. The baldrick plugin will automatically post the link to the artifacts as a status check in a GitHub pull request to avoid having to click through multiple pages to find the link to the artifacts. To enable this plugin, include the following in your pyproject.toml file:

[ tool.<your-bot-name>.circleci_artifacts ]
enabled = true

You can then include additional sub-sections in the configuration for each set of artifacts, for example:

[ tool.<your-bot-name>.circleci_artifacts.sphinx ]
url = "html/index.html"
message = "This is the documentation"

The url item should be set to the file path of the artifacts, and the message is what will be shown in the status check.

Pull request handlers

We provide a plugin that will perform checks on a pull request and report the results back to the pull request, either as a comment and a single status check, or individual status checks. Which checks are done are themselves plugins and will be described in subsequent sections.

To enable pull request handlers, include the following in your pyproject.toml file:

[ tool.<your-bot-name>.pull_requests ]
enabled = true

In addition, you can use the following configuration items if you wish to change the default behavior:

  • post_pr_comment = false/true: if true, the results of the checks will be summarized in a comment, and a single overall status check will be reported. If false, each check will be reported as a separate status check. The default is false.
  • skip_labels = []: this can be set to a list of GitHub labels which, if present, will cause the checks to be skipped. Note that labels are case-sensitive. The default is an empty list.
  • skip_fails = false/true: if true, if the checks are skipped due to skip_labels, then a failed status check will be posted to the pull request. If false, the checks will be silently skipped. The default is true.

By default, the comment/statuses posted by the bot should be informative, but if you wish to change the wording of these messages, you can override them with the following parameters - note that all these only apply when post_pr_comment is true:

  • skip_message = "...": the message to display in a comment if the checks are skipped due to skip_labels
  • fail_prologue = "..." and fail_epilogue = "...": the text to include before and after the results of the checks in the comment.
  • fail_status = "..." and pass_status = "...": the message to show in the overall status check.
  • all_passed_message = "...": the message to show in a comment if all checks passed.
  • pull_request_substring: a string that can be used to identify previous comments posted by the bot. This should be a string common to all_passed_message, and fail_prologue or fail_epilogue.

GitHub milestone checker

This pull request handler plugin checks whether the milestone has been set. To enable this plugin, include the following in your pyproject.toml file:

[ tool.<your-bot-name>.milestones ]
enabled = true

If you wish to customize the message shown in the results of the check, you can use the missing_message = "..." and present_message = "..." configuration items.

Towncrier changelog checker

Another built-in pull request handler plugin can be used to check that towncrier changelog changes in a pull request are consistent with other details about the pull request (e.g. the pull request number). To enable this plugin, include the following in your pyproject.toml file:

[ tool.<your-bot-name>.towncrier_changelog ]
enabled = true

This plugin has the following additional configuration items:

  • verify_pr_number = true: whether to check that the name of the towncrier file added is consistent with the pull request number.
  • changelog_skip_label = "...": the name of a GitHub label which, if present, causes the towncrier changelog checks to be skipped.
  • help_url = "...": this can be set to the URL to use for the status check ‘Details’ link - you can set this to a URL explaining how to use towncrier for example.

By default, the comment/statuses posted by the bot should be informative, but if you wish to change the wording of these messages, you can override them with the following parameters:

  • changelog_exists = "..." and changelog_missing = "...": the messages to use when a changelog entry exists or is missing.
  • number_correct = "..." and number_incorrect = "...": the messages to use when a changelog entry has the correct or incorrect pull request number.
  • type_correct = "..." and type_incorrect = "...": the messages to use when a changelog entry is not of the right type.

Custom plugin

If you want to write your own pull request checker, import pull_request_handler from baldrick as follows:

from baldrick.plugins.github_pull_requests import pull_request_handler

then use it to decorate a function of the form:

def check_changelog_consistency(pr_handler, repo_handler):

This function will be called with pr_handler, an instance of PullRequestHandler, and repo_handler, an instance of RepoHandler (click on the class names to find out the available properties/methods).

Your function should then return either None (no check results), or a dictionary where each key is the code name for one of the checks (this will be used to match checks with previous checks, so make sure this is consistent across calls), and the value should be a dictionary with two entries: state, which can be set to 'failure' or 'success', and description, which gives a description of the check results.